If you have more than one computer in your home, you probably would love to share a printer or internet connection. We can help you do that. Many people have been purchasing iPads and would also like to print to their home network printers. We can help you with that as well. Another great way to have fun in your home is to have network gaming going on. In our own family we placed Battle For Middle Earth LAN parties. It was so much fun to work together as a family at saving Middle Earth from the armies of Mordor.

Here are some of the benefits of a home network:
- Sharing Printers
- Sharing Folders and Data
- Centrally Controlled Content Filtering (Website Blocking)
- Sharing Music
- Sharing Internet Connection
- LAN Party (Network Gaming)
- Centrally Controlled Firewall
- Printing from your iPad
As you can see there are many benefits to home networks. Please call us to get a free onsite quote on putting one in your home.
We also fix home networks that are losing connectivity to the network or internet.
Call Today: 801-368-6597